Obedience to the orders of the seniors, respect for their personality and position, as well as the obligations of the them towards the people and the administration are among the most important and fundamental topics of the religion of Islam.

أربعاء, أغسطس 21 2024 7:06 صباحا

The above words were uttered by the Acting Minister of Higher Education, Sheikh ul Hadith Mawlavi Nada Mohammad Nadeem to the officials of Kabul Medical University of Sciences in a gathering. 
“In order to consolidate the system and the administration’s affairs, honesty, coordination and obedience in workplace are very vital,” the acting minister said.
Moreover, he said that the seniors have more responsibilities, including conducting consultative meetings, reporting and receiving reports and some others activities, which results in the enhancement  of the administration. 
In conclusion, the officials of Kabul Medical University of Sciences admired the statements of the acting minister, and gave details about their achievements, problems and activities to the acting minister.

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