The licenses of 11 Private Educational Institutions Revoked Based on the Decision of the leadership Council of the Ministry of Higher Education

أربعاء, ديسمبر 11 2024 12:12 مساء


The leadership council of the Ministry Leadership was held under the chairmanship of the Acting Minister of Higher Education, Sheikh ul Hadith Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadeem. At the very commencement, the acting minister reminded the council members to their responsibilities and emphasized that we have an accountability to our countrymen to carry out our work diligently, without negligence and in a timely manner.

Additionally, he accentuated to the council members the importance of sincerity and honesty in their work and urged them to pay close attention to their actions.

Following the agenda, a comprehensive and detailed discussion took place on the monitoring, evaluation, and revocation of licenses of 11 private higher educational institutions. As a result, the licenses of the following institutions were revoked based on several violations. The institutions are: Sultan Muhmood Ghaznavi in Ghazni province, Abu- Nasar in Farah province, Hanzala and Hikmat in Badghis province, Fajristan in Takhar province, Namar in Kunduz province, Royan and Qudos in Baghlan, Sadat in Balkh, Mawlana Jalaludin Balkhi in Samangan and Alghyas in Herat province.

These revocations were based on several violations, including lack of commitment to academic, teaching and administrative principles, the presence of imaginary contract with lecturers, having fake students, failure to comply with leadership and administrative staff regulations, absence of proper class attendance and exam procedures, non-compliance with established standards, lack of necessary teaching facilities, and numerous repeated violations.

Also, the members of the leadership council decided that the officials and leadership of the aforementioned private higher educational institutions should be referred to the judicial and legal authorities. 

In this gathering, comprehensive discussions and necessary decisions were made regarding several topics, including the standardization of the prices of relevant documents of the Ministry of Higher Education, the revenue from the publication and printing in the academic magazines of Emirate educational institutions, the process of recruiting lecturers at private educational institutions and other related issues.

It is worth mentioning that the affairs and responsibilities of the Ministry of Higher Education are being carried out effectively, thanks to the continuous supervision and follow-up by the leadership team. As a result, progress and development are being made.

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سبت, يناير 25 2025 3:20 مساء
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وزير التعليم العالي بالنيابة شارك وألقى كلمة في حفل تخرج خريجي وزارة الداخلية.


وزير التعليم العالي بالوكالة،شيخ الحديث المولوي نداء محمد نديم، شارك في حفل تخرج خريجي وزارة الداخلية، وهنأ الخريجين وشجعهم على متابعة التعليم العالي.


في كلمته، ذكر الوزير. . .

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وصف معالي المجالس العلمية. . .

اثنين, يناير 20 2025 8:56 صباحا
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تخرج 71 طالبا من قسم الإفتاء والقضاء بجامعة عبد الله بن مسعود (رضي الله عنهما)، وتم تقديمهم لخدمة المجتمع.

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