The 1st International conference on Green Revolution for Self-Sufficient Afghanistan has started 

اثنين, نوفمبر 25 2024 10:56 صباحا


The conference commenced in Kandahar province through the participation of Sheikh ul Hadith Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadeen, the Acting Minister of Higher Education, Mawlavi Attaullah Omari, the Acting Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock , Mawlavi Mohammad Shereen Akhund, Governor of Kandahar province, Dr. Lutfullah Khairkhwa, the Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs at the Ministry of Higher Education, Mawlavi Zabihuallah Mujaheed, Spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Dr. Farooq Azam, Technical Advisor of the Ministry of Water and Energy, as well as representatives and lecturers from various universities and domestic and foreign experts.

In the commencement of the conference, the Acting Minister of Higher Education, Sheikh ul Hadith Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadeem said, “The country's agricultural sector has been damaged due to the past invasions and the forty-year-long war. However, fundamental work and efforts are currently underway to strengthen this sector.”

Similarly, that the Acting Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock promised that the articles and schemes presented by the lecturers and specialists in this conference, will be brought about within the framework of our ministry. Besides, we will extract maximum benefits from them. 

Also, the Spokesman of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mawlavi Zabihuallah Mujaheed, emphasized the use of modern tools and new methods in the country's agriculture. He further stated that such conferences should be held in every province and district.

“Agriculture is not only related to farming, but also connected to other important aspects of life. He added that a lot of work and effort is needed in this field for self-sufficiency,” the Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs, Dr. Latfuallah Khairkhwa said.

In the conference, the governor of Kandahar, Mawlavi Mohammad Shereen Akhund, Dr. Farooq Azam, Technical Advisor of the Ministry of Water and Energy, Dr. Osama Aziz, the chancellor of Kabul University, foreign lecturers and other speakers discussed about the strengthening of the country's agricultural sector.

It is worth-mentioning that this conference was organized by Kabul University, and held at Anastu University, Kandahar. Within three days around 85 research articles will be presented by both domestic and foreign lecturers.

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وصف معالي المجالس العلمية. . .