71 muftis (religious scholars) graduated from the Iftah and Judiciary Department, Abduallah bin Masoud Religious School, Kabul, and were presented to serve the society

اثنين, يناير 20 2025 8:50 صباحا

During the graduation ceremony, the acting Minister of Higher Education, Sheikh ul Hadith Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadeem, congratulated the graduates and stated that they would work in their fields, such as judiciary and other academic sectors.
He added, "Do not chase administrative positions; instead, serve in an academic environment where your efforts will bring benefit to Islam, the Islamic system and Muslims."
 Also, he encouraged the graduates to pursue further higher education, continue your studies and do not limit yourselves to what you have learned so far."
The acting Minister of Higher Education declared that the Islamic system has a great need for such specialized muftis (religious scholars) in the fields of Iftah and judiciary. He emphasized that the judiciary, which is one of the most important sectors of a country, can be guided in a professional direction through their expertise. 
In addition, the professional Deputy Minister of Guidance, Hajj and Endowments, Sheikh ul Hadith Mawlavi Zar Mohammad Haqqani, described the specialized muftis as a valuable asset to the country. He added that these muftis (religious scholars) will be appointed in the courts where they will establish justice. 
He referred to the achievements of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in eliminating moral and administrative corruption, as well as abolishing oppressive systems, and stated, "Muslims will always work to establish Islam, while disbelievers will strive to impose disbelief." 
Additionally, during the graduation ceremony, distinguished scholars and lecturers provided essential guidance and recommendations to the graduates. They urged them to serve their country and people with sincerity and dedication. 
It is worth mentioning that at the end of the ceremony, turbans of honor were placed on the heads of the graduates.

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اثنين, يناير 20 2025 8:56 صباحا
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تخرج 71 طالبا من قسم الإفتاء والقضاء بجامعة عبد الله بن مسعود (رضي الله عنهما)، وتم تقديمهم لخدمة المجتمع.

في حفل التخرج الذي أقيم بهذه المناسبة، هنأ شيخ الحديث المولوي نداء محمد نديم وزير التعليم العالي بالوكالة الخريجين و أضاف قائلا: "ستعملون في مجالات القضاء وغيرها من المجالات العلمية. . .

أربعاء, يناير 15 2025 8:12 صباحا
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في مؤسسة التعليم العالي في سمنغان، بدأت أعمال البناء وإعادة الإعمار في الأقسام المختلفة بتكلفة بلغت 12 مليونًا و600 ألف أفغاني.

هذه المشاريع، تمول من ميزانية وزارة التعليم العالي، تشمل إعادة تأهيل وتعبيد الشوارع الداخلية، إنشاء أرصفة،تركيب مظلات لاستراحة الطلاب، بناء أعمدة كهرباء جديدة، وتركيب محولات كهربائية.
. . .

اثنين, يناير 13 2025 10:06 صباحا
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ناقش وزير التعليم العالي في مكتبه مع نائب وزارة التعليم العالي البيلاروسي سبل التعاون العلمي الثنائي

رحب شیخ الحدیث المولوي نداء محمد ندیم وزیر التعلیم العالي بنائب وزارة التعليم العالي البيلاروسي والوفد المرافق له، وقدم شرحا شاملا حول نظام التعليم العالي في أفغانستان. 

القائم بأعمال. . .