Acting Minister of Higher Education Met Ambassador of Pakistan at his Office.

اثنين, مايو 22 2023 11:23 صباحا

In this meeting, acting minister Sheikh Al Hadith Mowlawi Nida Mohammad Nadeem welcomed the ambassador of Pakistan and delegation, and talked about the importance of good relations between two countries.
Also, acting minister said, “Afghans live in an intellectual and religious society, so Islamic Emirate always try not allowing anyone to criticize Afghans’ intellectuality and culturally. So Islamic Emirate is determined to implement Islamic rules.
Additionally, Acting Minister of Higher Education Sheikh Al Hadith Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadeem mentioned the savages of international and previous governments in Afghanistan and said that the current defenders of human rights were silent on those savages. However, now they are combating for human rights. By the name of human rights they interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs.
Latter, the ambassador of Pakistan to Afghanistan, Obaidul Rahman Nizamani thanked from acting minister of higher education for welcoming them to the meeting. Furthermore, he said that Afghanistan and Pakistan are two friendly countries and having same religious and cultural closeness, so we are committed for doing more assistance than other countries.
In conclusion, the Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs, Latfuallah Khairkhwa asked for helping about visa problems of the Afghan students in the mentioned country and training for academic cadres of the teaching hospital.

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أربعاء, مارس 05 2025 11:26 صباحا
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انعقد اجتماع مجلس قيادة وزارة التعليم العالي برئاسة شيخ الحديث المولوي نداء محمد نديم.


في بداية الاجتماع، تحدث الوزير القائم بأعمال وزارة التعليم العالي عن فضائل شهر رمضان المبارك، وقال: إن شهر رمضان المبارك هو شهر الصبر والإخلاص والصدقة، ويجب مساعدة المسلمين المحتاجين. . .

جمعة, فبراير 28 2025 4:28 صباحا
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التقى وزير التعليم العالي شيخ الحديث المولوي نداء محمد نديم، في مكتبه الرسمي مع نائب ممثل اليوناما، أندريکا راتوات.


رحب معالي الوزير بنائب ممثل اليوناما، قائلا: "يسرني أنكم ترون الوضع الحقيقي لأفغانستان عن قرب، وهذا أمر في غاية الأهمية لكي يصل الواقع الحقيقي لأفغانستان إلى المجتمع الدولي."


أضا. . .