The Acting Minister of Higher Education Gave a Speech at (Second International Gathering of the Ministers of Education and Higher Education) in Russian Federation.

أربعاء, يونيو 12 2024 5:50 صباحا

The aim of the of the gathering is establishing academic cooperation between the countries, conducting academic programs and find solutions for the problems in educational sector.
During the gathering, the Acting Minister of Higher Education, Shiekh ul Hadith Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadeen gave information about the educational system of Afghanistan to the attendees of the gathering. Furthermore, he added that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is committed to improve the educational system of the country.
He also added that after the domination of the Islamic Emirate, besides the improving of political and economic factors our educational system is also improved. For instance, the reviewing of 131 educational curriculum and the completion of 14 infrastructure projects. At the meanwhile, currently, we have Five Hundred Thousand (500000) active students in the country’s universities. 
“Afghanistan has always faced with the invasion of others, and has received severe harms,” the acting minister said.
He also said that Afghanistan has never interfered in the interior affairs of others and also, we expect the same from others, too.
The acting minister asked from the countries, which are the members of the above mentioned gathering to help Afghanistan in educational sector and signing the joint cooperation treaty inn order to benefit your experiences and skills.
It is worth mentioning, that there are 42 countries as members in this gathering, and it is held every year in Tatarstan, Russian Federation.

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ثلاثاء, ديسمبر 17 2024 2:58 مساء
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جمعة, نوفمبر 29 2024 2:38 مساء
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