At his office, the Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs has met both with the Assistant of UNAMA and Acting Director for UNESCO.

Thu, Mar 28 2024 10:47 AM

The Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs, Dr. Latfuallah Khairkhwa welcomed the representatives, and gave information about the ongoing academic and infrastructure affairs, which are running from the budget of the Ministry of Higher Education.
He also asked helping from the representatives regarding the medical and educational laboratories, trainings for professionals, online learning training, transferring the salaries to teachers studying in India and Malaysia, and the problems of visas for teachers and students in India. 
Bothe representatives showed their willingness for helping in the educational system of Afghanistan.
Also, the Assistant for UNAMA showed his concern about the education of Afghan refugees.
However, in response to his concern, the deputy minister said that we will pave the way for teachers and students who have recently returned.

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