The Deputy Minister for Finance and Administration of the Ministry of Higher Education has met Dr. Mohammad Tahoun, World Health Emergency Team leader.

In a meeting, the Deputy Minister for Finance and Administration, Mawlavi Mohammad Hamid Haseeb, the Chancellor of Kabul Medical University and the Chief Executive Officer of Ali-Abad Teaching Hospital discussed the supplies of the teaching hospitals with the world health emergency team leader.
The Deputy Minister for Finance and Administration praised the services of the World Health Organization, and thanked for providing emergency services at Ali-Abad Teaching Hospital.
Additionally, the deputy minister asked to help from the delegate regarding supplies of teaching hospitals, constructions and the capacity building of academic cadres.
Also, the Chancellor of Kabul Medical University, Dr. Asaduallah Nijat and the Chief Executive Officer of Ali-Abad Teaching Hospital, Dr. Abdul Mutalib Shinwari shared the needs of teaching hospitals, so World Health Emergency Team leader, Dr. Mohammad Tahoun promised more helps.
It is worth-mentioning, that the Ministry of Higher Education has 13 teaching hospitals for its medical students to learn practically, and to provide health services for the countrymen.