At the Ministry of Higher Education, aid was collected for the victims of the earthquake in Herat and Badghis provinces.

Wed, Oct 11 2023 8:42 AM

Today, on the recommendations of the Acting Minister of Higher Education, deputy ministers, central directors, managers and service workers collected aid fir the victims of the earthquake in Herat and Badghis provinces.
“All human beings are tested in different forms by Almighty Allah, but we must be patient for all troubles,” said Deputy Minister for Finance and Administration, Mawlawi Mohammad Hamid Hasib to the participants.
He also added that earthquakes and other disasters are the signs of the Day of Resurrection, and when there is more corruption on earth, all kinds of punishments will come from Allah.At the end of the gathering, prayers were offered to all the martyrs and injured of the victims of the earthquake, and put it their donations in the box.

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Wed, Jan 15 2025 8:10 AM
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Samangan Institute of Higher Education has initiated various reconstruction and development projects at cost of 12.6 million Afghanis

These projects, funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, including rehabilitation and asphalting of the internal roads, construction of sidewalks, students resting area,. . .