A meeting of the commission for private higher education held under the chairmanship of the Acting Minister of Higher Education.

Wed, Nov 13 2024 3:30 PM


At the very commencement of the meeting, the Acting Minister of Higher Education, Sheikh ul Hadith Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadeem, emphasized the enhancement of the quality of academic affairs in private educational institutions. Moreover, he considered them crucial for strengthening the country's educational system.

Later, according to the agenda, the members of the commission discussed and made needed decisions upon requests from several private educational institutions regarding the establishment of new faculties and departments, relocation from one place to another, approval of boards of trustees, license renewals, and similar topics. Additionally, several matters, after receiving approval, were forwarded to the high council for final decisions.

It should not be left untold that the commission for private higher education was set up to address issues, advance, and standardize these institutions. Its members include deputy ministers of the Ministry of Higher Education, advisors of the leadership, several directors of central directors and chancellors of the central Emirate universities.

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