The Minister of Higher Education Meets the Ambassador of China

Wed, Feb 07 2024 9:32 AM

Besides welcoming to the ambassador, the Minister of Higher Education, Sheikh ul Hadith Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadem expressed his happiness over both countries’ political, economical and historical relations.
The Minister of Higher Education said that China has always stood by the people of Afghanistan throughout history and still supports and respects Afghanistan's policies and self-sufficiency.
The Minister of Higher Education expressed his appreciation, and thanked China for its help in various fields, especially in the field of higher education. 
During his talks, the minister appreciated the credentials of Afghanistan in China, and called that it is a great achievement in the development of both countries.
On the other hand, the Chinese ambassador in Kabul, referred to the historical and economic relations of both countries.
The ambassador also declared China’s wide commercial relations with Afghanistan in various fields, including agriculture and mining, and it is intended to broaden these relations even more than before.
He also talked about fortifying academic relations and capacity building programs for teachers of educational institutions and promised to cooperate in any the above mentioned fields.

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