Policies and Laws

This year, to make sure we're casting the widest net and that our programming truly reflects the community of attendees, we're trying something a little different. Over the next 2 months, we'll host a series of informal pitch events; a chance to have your voice heard and to collaborate with us in shaping the experience of SIC 2018. Each event will be organized into category tracks, so in addition to pitching, you can connect with other people in your field. Consider these community brainstorming sessions and networking events all-in-one.

This year, to make sure we're casting the widest net and that our programming truly reflects the community of attendees, we're trying something a little different. Over the next 2 months, we'll host a series of informal pitch events; a chance to have your voice heard and to collaborate with us in shaping the experience of SIC 2018. Each event will be organized into category tracks, so in addition to pitching, you can connect with other people in your field. Consider these community brainstorming sessions and networking events all-in-one.

This year, to make sure we're casting the widest net and that our programming truly reflects the community of attendees, we're trying something a little different. Over the next 2 months, we'll host a series of informal pitch events; a chance to have your voice heard and to collaborate with us in shaping the experience of SIC 2018. Each event will be organized into category tracks, so in addition to pitching, you can connect with other people in your field. Consider these community brainstorming sessions and networking events all-in-one.

Each event will be organized into category tracks, so in addition to pitching, you can connect with other people in your field. Consider these community brainstorming sessions and networking events.

آخرین اطلاعیه ها

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۱۱ - ۴:۳۷
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  اطلاعیه عام تصمیم اعطای قرارداد


بدین وسیله به تأسی از فقره (2) ماده چهل و سوم قانون تدارکات به اطلاع عموم رسانیده می شود، وزارت تحصیلات عالی در نظر دارد، قرارداد تهیه و تدارک کتب درسی پوهنځی زراعت و طب پوهنتون . . .

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۱۱ - ۴:۳۵
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اطلاعیه عام تصمیم اعطای قرارداد


بدین وسیله به تأسی از فقره (2) ماده چهل و سوم قانون تدارکات به اطلاع عموم رسانیده می شود، وزارت تحصیلات عالی در نظر دارد، قرارداد تهیه و تدارک کتب درسی پوهنځی انجنیری استرکچر . . .

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۹ - ۷:۲۳
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اطلاعیه تصمیم اعطای قرارداد


موضوع : پروژه ترمیمات اساسی ریاست تقرر و ترفعات علمی استادان

بدین وسیله به تأسی ازفقره (2) ماده چهل و سوم قانون تدارکات به اطلاع عموم رسانیده می شود، وزارت تحصیلات عالی در نظر دارد، . . .

بازگشت به اطلاعیه ها