Kabul Poly Technique University Contract Award Notice

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Kabul Poly Technique University invites all eligible bidders to participate in the competitive request for quotations process project of (14,000) liters of Diesel oil and (10,000) liters of Petrol oil for the University’s vehicles and generators for the year (1400). And received printed copy of condition letter and the soft forms in the memory or flash. Present their offers according to the inserted terms of condition and policy of procurement from the date of issuance of condition up to 21 days on 10:00 am to the office of the Financial and Administrative deputy office of Kabul Poly Technique University. According to the relevant condition document assurance of the offer is via banking. Late and online offers shall not be accepted.
Therefore, companies, public enterprises, institutions, and private companies that have requests for the contract must submit their applications to the suppliance, procurement and Services Department, Room NO (30), of the Fifth Hostel of Kabul Poly Technique University.