The Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs of the Ministry of Higher Education delivers a speech at an international conference organized by Kardan Private University.

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۰/۱۰ - ۱۵:۲۹


Kardan Private University held an international conference titled “Challenges and Obstacles to Sustainable Development in Afghanistan” during which various research articles were presented on different topics.


During his speech at the conference, the Deputy Minister for Academic Affairs, Dr. Lutfullah Khairkhwah, talked about the importance and benefits of academic research, considering research as the primary responsibility of universities.


Mr. Khairkhwah asserted,“For sustainable development, the foundation of the country’s economy lies in domestic economics. In Afghan society, every household and every member of the household must precisely manage their needs, resources and expenditures. They must ensure the sustainability of their household resources, maintain them in all circumstances, and manage them effectively.”


He further added that the principles and rules of domestic economics should be promoted in every village, beginning with individuals, expanding to families, and ultimately impacting the system. According to him, when the mindset and behavior are established, the proper use and sustainability of resources become an inevitable and logical outcome.


Dr. Khairkhwah mentioned that the Ministry of Higher Education is striving to direct universities toward their core responsibilities so that academic institutions can align their theories and research with the needs of society.


He expressed pleasure in organizing of such conferences and emphasized that the outcomes, ideas, and experiences from these research conferences should be shared with relevant institutions to ensure their practical application.


This comes as, since the arrival of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, numerous national and international conferences have been held by Emirate affiliated academic institutions, and now private universities are also organizing similar academic gatherings on significant topics.

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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۰/۶ - ۷:۳۵
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ټول . . .

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