Acting Minister of Higher Education, Alhaj Mawlawi Abdul Baqi “Haqqani” paid a meeting with the Foreign Relations Officer of the South African Scholars Association in his office.

چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۱/۷/۶ - ۵:۲۲

Mr. “Haqani” shown pleasure on his visit to Afghanistan and gave comprehensive information about the achievements of this ministry in the past one year.
The acting minister also added that after the takeover of the Islamic Emirate, the Ministry of Higher Education has reformed the laws, and developed the curriculum, hired new teachers, established Sharia faculties in all governmental universities, and the Afghan International University. Established the Directorate of Religious Universities and Specializations and other activities that were among the priorities of the Ministry of Higher Education have been carried out, and work is ongoing on other programs.
Also, the Acting Minister of Higher Education shared other indispensable requests with the Foreign Relations Officer of the South African Scholars Association along with the construction projects and transport related to this ministry.
Later, Maulana Bilal, the Foreign Relations Officer of the South African Scholars' Association, spoke, expressed his joy on the victory of Islamic Emirate. They are happy because the war is over.

He also said about the requests of the Ministry of Higher Education that he will share their requests with the officials of his community.
Also, upon the invitation of the Acting Minister of Higher Education, the Foreign Relations Officer of the South African Scholars Association also went over the Afghan International University and the Directorate General of Religious Universities and Specializations.
It is worth noting that the Deputy Minister of Finance and Administration of the Ministry of Higher Education and a number of heads of the central departments of the mentioned ministry were also present in this visit.

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چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۵ - ۱۰:۵۹
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د تخار پوهنتون د علمي-څېړنیزو مقالو د غوښتنې خبرتیا

تخار پوهنتون په پام کې لري چې په روان کال کې " د افغانستان په دوامداره پرمختګ کې د طبیعي زیرمو د مدیریت رول" تر سرلیک لاندې لومړنی ملي کنفرانس جوړکړي.
د امارتي او د خصوصي لوړو زده کړو د . . .

چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱/۱۵ - ۷:۳۵
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د قرارداد ورکولو تصمیم نیونې خبرتیا ! 

په دې توګه د تدارکاتو قانون د( ۴۳ ) مادې د( ۲) فقرې له مخې ټولو ته خبر ورکول کیږي، چې د لوړو زده کړو وزارت په پام کې لري، چې د (ننګرهار، پکتيا، هرات او هلمند) ولایتونو ديني جامعاتو . . .

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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۶ - ۴:۲۸
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د لوړو زده کړو وزارت پلاوي د پروان پوهنتون څخه لیدنه وکړه. 

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ياد پلاوي د پروان پوهنتون د ملي. . .

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۶ - ۴:۱۶
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د ابراهيم النخعي رحمه الله جامعې د افتاء او قضاء تخصص لپاره د فاضلانو د شمولیت ازموینه واخیستل شوه.

د کندهار د ابراهیم النخعي جامعې ریاست د افتاء او قضاء څانګې لپاره له ۱۸۰ فاضلانو آزموینه واخیسته، چې له یادو فاضلانو به ٦٠ تنه جذب شي.
په همدې موخه جوړو شویو مراسمو کې د یادې جامعې. . .

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۶ - ۳:۵۹
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د عبدالله بن مسعود رضی‌الله‌عنه جامعې د افتاء او قضاء تخصص لپاره د فاضلانو د شمولیت ازموینه واخیستل شوه.

د عبدالله بن مسعود رضی‌الله‌عنه جامعې د افتاء او قضاء تخصص لپاره تحریري ازموینه د لوړو زده کړو وزارت د دیني جامعاتو او تخصصاتو عمومي ریاست او د یادې جامعې له لوري په کابل پوهنتون کې. . .