Ministry of Higher Education Has Issued its Annual Major Achievements Report

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۶/۵ - ۵:۳


The officials of the Ministry of Higher Education presented the major achievements of the year 1445 through the conference at government’s media center.  
 “Amir ul Moamineen (May Allah Protect Him) has special concentration to this ministry. Moreover, all the Emirate administrations have full support for this ministry,” said the acting minister to the participants.
He added that the leadership of the Islamic Emirate has given 5000 new members to this ministry in order to improve the activities, establishing religious jamias (universities) in five provinces, and exempted the academic cadres from paying the fees of PHD and master inside the country.
“131 educational curriculums have been reviewed. 11 PHD programs, 36 masters, 15 bachelors and 86 new departments have been created,” the acting minister added.
Furthermore, he said that the Ministry of Higher Education has equipped the laboratories and libraries of the Emirate education institutions, supporting and monitoring of the private educational sectors, and conducted exam for scholars and given them standard documents. 
Afterwards, the Director of Academic Development Program, Eng. Sardar Wali Salihi put on the academic achievements of this ministry, and he said that we conducted 4 national and 1 international conferences, recruited 640 academic cadres, 16 educational institutions received certificates of the accreditation and 5 others maintained.      
Additionally, the Director of the Broadcasting, Information and Public Relations, Eng. Rohuallah Rohani, presented the information about finance and administration, and he said that 9 projects have been completed form the normal and development budget, which costs 32 million Afs. In addition, he said that a huge amount of revenue was generated from the distributions of diplomas and other certificates.
Besides, about 500 acres of land belonging to the Ministry of Higher Education has been secured and freed from encroachment, and thousands of patients have been treated in teaching hospitals.
In conclusion, Spokesman of the Ministry of Higher Education, Hafiz Ziaullah Hashmi, gave information related to the affairs of students and said that currently around (189,991) students are studying in Emirate educational institutions, (2,212) students have returned to the country after completing their studies abroad. In order to evaluate the Ulema (Scholars), the exam was conducted for 40000 scholars.
At the end of the conference, the officials of the Ministry of Higher Education answered the questions of the medias’ proxies

آخرین اطلاعیه ها

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اطلاعیه عام تصمیم اعطای قرارداد

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پوهنتون بلخ در نظر دارد کنفرانسی را تحت عنوان « ام البلا: نقطه عطفی درتاریخ تمدن اسلامی و زنده گی شهری » برگزار کند. 
 بناَ از تمام اساتید محترم پوهنتون ها، محققین، شخصیت  های علمی و . . .

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اطلاعیه عام تصمیم اعطای قرارداد

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پروژه تهیه وتدارک وسایل تکنالوژی برای موسسه تحصیلات عالی ارزگان بابت سال مالی ۱۴۰۳ تحت شماره داوطلبی  (MOHE/1403/NCB . . .

بازگشت به اطلاعیه ها

تازه ترین اخبار

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۶/۵ - ۱۰:۱
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۵۲۳ تن محصل از ۷ پوهنځی مختلف پوهنتون بغلان فارغ و جهت ارایه خدمت به جامعه تقدیم شدند.

در محفل فراغت فارغ التحصیلان یاد شده هیئت رهبری پوهنتون بغلان، نماینده گان ادارات محلی ولایت بغلان، محصلان و اعضای خانواده های محصلان اشتراک نموده بودند، سخنرانان در این محفل ضمن. . .

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وزارت تحصیلات عالی امروز راپور سالانه خود را در جریان پروګرام تشریح دستآورد های یک ساله ادارات امارتی، ارایه کرد.

مسوولان وزارت تحصیلات عالی در مرکز رسانه های حکومت طی یک کنفرانسی، دستآورد ها و فعالیت های مهم سال ۱۴۴۵ هـ.ش این وزارت را ارایه کردند.
سرپرست وزارت تحصیلات عالی در کنفرانسی که به همین. . .

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اطاعت از دستورات امیر، احترام به شخصیت و جایگاه امیر و همچنان مکلفیت های امیر در مقابل مردم و اداره از جمله اساسی ترین و بنیادی ترین موضوعات در دین مبین اسلام می باشد.

این مطلب را شیخ الحدیث مولوی نداء محمد ندیم سرپرست وزارت تحصیلات عالی در جلسه اصلاحی و رهنمودی به مسؤولان و منسوبان پوهنتون علوم طبی کابل بیان داشت.
سرپرست وزارت تحصیلات عالی با تاکید. . .