At his office, the acting Minister of Higher Education talks on bilateral academic cooperation with the First Deputy Minister of Education of Belarus 

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۰/۲۴ - ۱۰:۳۲

The acting Minister of Higher Education, Sheikh ul Hadith Mawlavi Nida Mohammad Nadeem, welcomed the deputy minister and his accompanying delegate, and provided exhaustive information about the Afghanistan's education system.
The honorable minister highlighted the achievements in the educational sector following the Islamic Emirate, and played up on the importance of sharing experiences and academic collaboration between countries.
"I am pleased that you have come to Afghanistan and witnessing the situation closely,” he said.
Likewise, the First Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Aleksander Bakhanovich, gave information about the universities, technical, and vocational education in Belarus, as well as the progress of educational and academic activities in the country. He also expressed willingness for academic cooperation with Afghanistan. 
"We are pleased to collaborate with the IEA in every field, and we are ready and prepared to advance joint research programs together," he further added. 
He also showed interest in collaborating to implement short-term and long-term programs for Afghan students and lecturers.
It should not be left untold that during the meeting, discussions were held between both parties regarding joint academic research, formulating of short-term academic programs, benefiting from each other's experiences, and signing agreements on bilateral academic cooperation.

تازه خبرونه

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۲۳ - ۵:۲۸
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سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۱۴ - ۱۴:۲۳
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یکشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۲/۱۲ - ۸:۲۱
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