Open heart surgery was successfully performed for the first time at the Institute of Chest, Heart and Vascular Diseases of Kabul University of Medical Sciences and the series of open heart surgery was officially started.

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۱/۷/۱۴ - ۶:۱۳

The Ministry of Higher Education and Kabul Medical University leading group, professors and officials of various institutions participated in the ceremony organized for this purpose in the meeting hall of Kabul Medical University.
In this ceremony, Acting Minister of Higher Education Alhaj Malawi Abdul Baqi “Haqqani” expressed his elation for the start of open heart surgery at this institute at the level of the state medical sector of the country and congratulated all the countrymen.
Acting minister added: "Currently, services are provided to the Afghan people at the level of the country, which have not been provided in the past few decades. It is a place of pleasure that despite the negative publicity, we are still committed to the people in the country. Also, we have professional doctors and staff members and they provide services to their countrymen in different fields.
He called upon the doctors and staff members who spend the nights of immigration in foreign countries, return to the country and serve for Afghan people.
Also, Mr. “Haqani”, appreciated the former head of the Institute of Chest, Heart and Vascular Diseases of Kabul University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Abdul Mutalib “Shinwari”, the head physician and professor of the said institute, Dr. Ahmad Fawad Wardak and the working team, who are involved in heart surgery.

Also, the president of Kabul Medical University, Dr. Fazal Rahman “Rahmani”, the head of the department of surgery, Dr. Muhammad Salim “Tawana”, and the head physician and professor of this institute, Dr. Ahmad Fawad Wardak, were the other speakers of the meeting, who started the series of open heart operations. In addition, he requested the leadership to provide advanced tools, financial support and machinery in order to maintain this series.

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چهارشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۵ - ۱۰:۵۹
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د تخار پوهنتون د علمي-څېړنیزو مقالو د غوښتنې خبرتیا

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د امارتي او د خصوصي لوړو زده کړو د . . .

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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۶ - ۴:۲۸
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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۶ - ۴:۱۶
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د ابراهيم النخعي رحمه الله جامعې د افتاء او قضاء تخصص لپاره د فاضلانو د شمولیت ازموینه واخیستل شوه.

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په همدې موخه جوړو شویو مراسمو کې د یادې جامعې. . .

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۲/۶ - ۳:۵۹
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د عبدالله بن مسعود رضی‌الله‌عنه جامعې د افتاء او قضاء تخصص لپاره د فاضلانو د شمولیت ازموینه واخیستل شوه.

د عبدالله بن مسعود رضی‌الله‌عنه جامعې د افتاء او قضاء تخصص لپاره تحریري ازموینه د لوړو زده کړو وزارت د دیني جامعاتو او تخصصاتو عمومي ریاست او د یادې جامعې له لوري په کابل پوهنتون کې. . .