Message from the Minister of Higher Education
Minister of Higher Education
The Ministry of Higher Education is committed to delivering quality and sincere services and believes to achieving its goals according to the National Higher Education Strategy public awareness and provision of on time information. Also, The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) is giving awareness about activities, achievements, work plans, announcements, access to information, scholarships, employment and information about the projects in higher education institutions. And answers your queries in these cases.
The Ministry of Higher Education aims to create a public and private education system with high quality and capacity to answer the needs of Afghanistan, in accordance with Islamic and national values, equipped with advanced knowledge, advanced education, patriotism, with high management and professionalism, credibility and prominence position at the regional and international level.
Please send us your suggestion and comments for further improvements in the Ministry of Higher Education on
I wish for further success and shining of the young generation of the country.
آخرین اطلاعیه ها
اطلاعیه عام تصمیم اعطای قرارداد
بدین وسیله به تأسی از فقره (2) ماده چهل و سوم قانون تدارکات به اطلاع عموم رسانیده می شود، وزارت تحصیلات عالی در نظر دارد، پروژه تهیه وتدارک ماشین آلات مورد ضرورت مطبعه ریاست اطلاعات . . .
اطلاعیه عام تصمیم اعطای قرارداد
بدین وسیله به تآسی از فقره (2) ماده چهل و سوم قانون تدارکات به اطلاع عموم رسانیده میشود، {وزارت تحصیلات عالی} در نظر دارد، قرارداد پروژه تهیه و تدارک کتب موسسه تحصیلات عالی دایکندی را . . .